The Rise of Prisma

GaleraSome time ago I wrote about a little App called Prisma – something which takes your photos, sends them off to a big computer and turns them into works of art – or rubbish depending on your viewpoint – I go with the former description though clearly at the end of the day it is possible to mess up with any of these tools if you are really bad at it. 

Well, Prisma had a couple of issues – limited resolution and the strange need to crop your photos to square – on top of that they put a small ad on the photo – still great to use but I eventually kind of left it alone because of the above issues.

Until today that is. Having recently taken on a new phone, I realised I’d not loaded Prisma and proceeded to do so while having lunch in a little restaurant in Baza (see below).

Was I impressed – gone are all the issues and they’ve added more features and filters and it is still free. So now you can share your camera image with Prisma and when you’re done – share that with the wonderful and similarly free Snapseed before finally sharing with your favourite photo album or Facebook depending on your needs.

In here you will see a small selection of pictures I took with the phone and processed entirely in the phone.

Restaurant in BazaWhat is really nice is that you have a finger-driven option in Prisma to slide from the original image to the processed one and stop at any point in between – hence the market photo below which looks surprisingly normal but which in fact has elements of mosaic in it and is certainly more alive than the original.

The picture on the left was taken in the restaurant and looks quiet pretty – even though the original shot was, well, a bid dull – and I think that’s what I like about these tools – you don’t HAVE to have a nice sunny day to make a nice picture.

I hasten to add that, being in Spain as we are right now, it actually IS sunny.

And that’s it for now – I’m still planning to get my teeth into long exposure photography soon but I’m not convinced the P900 camera is the one for the job – something a bit more manual perhaps. Meanwhile with the new filters in Prisma, I’ve something new to get my teeth into.

Baza market

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